Main Dishes
Prep Time
12 minutes
Cook Time
16 minutes

1 (8oz) sirloin steak
Seasoned salt, to taste
½ tomato, seeds removed
2T Parmesan cheese, grated
1T butter
2 large eggs
1 scallion, thinly sliced, garnished
Crack eggs in shallow, oven-safe dish.
Break yolks and place in liner pan.
Cut ¼ tomato from top, and sliver from bottom, so tomato can stand upright.
Season steak and add cheese to tomatoes.
Place steak and tomatoes on 3-inch rack.
Cook at 350°F for 8 minutes per side for medium doneness.
Recipe Note
Tip: When cooking from frozen, place frozen steak on 3-inch rack and cook at 350°F for 14-15 minutes. Add eggs and tomato and cook the eggs another 8 minutes and the tomatoes for 12 minutes.